Saturday, 29 March 2014

Assessment Task: Workplace

My latest assessment task was based on the workplace. There were four activities we needed to complete.

1.Workplace Testimonial

2. Print Order Form

3. Email Etiquette

In this activity we needed to email our teacher the details of the above print order using the correct email etiquette.

4. Greeting Someone (Provide an example of how to greet someone in each situation)

a) In a business meeting with an important client
I would approach with a smile and a welcoming manner. I would extend my hand to shake hands while introducing myself by my full name and what my role is. I would speak politely and remain professional. After the meeting I would thank them for coming.

b) Meeting someone at the pub
I would approach the person with relaxed body language and a casual greeting, for example; G’day or Hey mate followed by a question to get the conversation flowing.
In a casual environment like this slang is acceptable and there is no need for a formal greeting with a handshake.

Remember for any situation your first impression will last forever so make it a good one!

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